"I think I see a speck of sunlight."

Monday, February 21, 2011

My bed is like a tiny ship-I can feel it start to tip.

Good dreams make me happy. That is why I take several naps everyday.

My Bed is Like a Boat

My bed is like a little boat;
  Nurse helps me in when I embark;
She girds me in my sailor’s coat
  And starts me in the dark.
At night, I go on board and say         
  Good night to all my friends on shore;
I shut my eyes and sail away
  And see and hear no more.
And sometimes things to bed I take,
  As prudent sailors have to do
Perhaps a slice of wedding-cake,
  Perhaps a toy or two.
All night across the dark we steer;
  But when the day returns at last,
Safe in my room, beside the pier,
  I find my vessel fast.
                           -Robert Louis Stevenson


Bella Takes a Nap

I'm a hugger, not a hunter."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I will always take a walk with you. And if you want to go swimming that is even better. And if you take me on a car ride then I will be extra happy. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bella-You are Missing the Pink Sunset

I will look at the pretty clouds as soon as I find the seagull I buried here last summer. I know it's here somewhere.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I love all my people but I love my peace and quiet too.

It's Bella. I have a new toy. It is a stuffed goose that honks when I bite it in exactly the right spot. I have a new bed too. My bed is awesome because is has sides that are as tall as I am when I curl up to go to sleep. I also have a new collar tag and leash. My tag says my name and my leash glows in the dark. Now, you may think, "What a spoiled dog you are Bella," but if you thought that you would be wrong. I am not spoiled at all. 

You see, I just came home from a very big adventure. I got to spend a week in a giant house with a lot of people who gave me good food off the table and pet my head. But they were also loud and played loud music and sometimes they ignored me and left me in a strange room all by myself. I would have been scared but I had my new goose and my new bed so I knew it was alright. Plus I could always sneak up on the bed if no one was looking. 

The best part of a puppyful adventure is the puppy.

The snow is frosty, bright, and deep..

The snow is so deep I can't see where I am going. I have to burrow in little snow tunnels to get to the good places in my yard, like the wood pile and behind the basketball hoop where I keep my collection of old socks. I know my old socks are there somewhere, probably frozen solid.